Version 6.0.14 Build 3680 (2021-12-20) [-] Scripts fail to load with "Unable to register type" error Version 6.0.13 Build 3679 (2021-10-18) [*] Airlite/Webstation: New player option "Disable remote control when channel is set to Line" Version 6.0.12 Build 3678 (2021-10-11) [*] MambaNet: Increased number of actuators to 64 Version 6.0.11 Build 3677 (2019-09-04) [-] Possible Access Violation in Mix Editor and container playback [*] Adjusted server addresses for license retrieval and bug reporting Version 6.0.10 Build 3675 (2018-12-11) [-] Fixed possible access violation in BASS file data processing functions [-] DBServer: SSL connection not working in mixed HTTP/HTTPS mode [-] DB: Cannot delete station when there are still ad campaignas assigned to it [-] GUI: Possible Range Check Error when editing data in tree views [-] DBClient: Error when uploading files with special characters in filename [*] Rolled back bass.dll to Version 6.0.9 Build 3667 (2018-05-15) [-] Stream Monitor: Possible deadlock when disabling a stream during a connection attempt [-] News Containers: Incorrect handling of Music Bed item if Cue In is set on it [+] Scripting: Added function StringReplace(iText, iSearch, iReplace: string): string; [-] DBServer and REST: Missing escaping of newline characters in JSON output [-] Playlist: Playlist files (.m3u) not expanded during drag&drop [+] Velleman: Added support for multiple K8055 devices [-] IOWarrior: Added hidden "FetchState" option, will retrieve current state at startup; can be turned off in remote.ini in case of problems [-] Update check not showing any data [-] DB: Error in import dialog when replacing files in library [-] Stream playback: EOF signal may be missing on Windows 10 [*] Updated bass.dll to Version 6.0.8 Build 3655 (2018-02-06) [*] DB: Preserve customized playlist entries when upgrading from v4.x [+] New option: Optimizations for right-to-left languages (Hebrew, Arabic) [-] Playlist: Comments not displayed correctly for non-RTL-languages Version 6.0.7 Build 3653 (2018-02-01) [-] "Interface not supported" error when deleting item through DBServer/DBClient [-] Main window: Events button missing from toolbar in Cartwall-only mode [+] Logging: Setting "DelayMilliseconds=on" in logging.ini will use milliseconds unit for the Delay parameter instead of seconds [-] Range check error when playing mono files on 7.1 sound card (all outputs) [-] DB: Start times not logged correctly depending on Windows locale due to non-standard internal date/time formatting [-] TCP Client Remote: Shall not send AUTH in Dummy Mode [-] DBServer: Invalid encoding of non-ASCII characters [*] Playlist: Correct comment display for right-to-left languages [*] Number of regions used for playout can be restricted in configuration (if you want to use less regions than covered by your license) [*] Peakmeters show the correct number of channels for mono and regio content [*] Config: Save SMTP password in base64 "encryption" [+] DB: Ad scheduler: Auto fill can be configured in advertising settings [*] When files are dragged over a player, import (and Auto Cue) should not be performed until the files are actually dropped [*] Encoder: more verbose system log output when encoder exits prematurely [*] Playlist: Better GUI feedback when a large number of items/directories are inserted via drag&drop Version 6.0.6 Build 3642 (2017-12-14) [-] HTTP POST logging: Incorrect handling of delay value [+] License Manager: New "Send diagnostic information" function (Actions menu) [+] TCP Client remote: New "dummy mode" will ignore all incoming data, so you can use the remote for 3rd party protocols in a script [+] DB: Scheduler: Template assignment: New "Week 1 of 2", "Week 2 of 2" etc. assignments, to create continuous rotations of templates. The reference date for the week numbering can be adjusted in the admin settings (should be set to a Monday which will be considered the 1st week) [-] Aircheck Recorder: Save dialog not starting in correct output folder [+] DB: New search option "Full Text Search"; disabling this will only return results that _start with_ the search term, speeding up the [-] DB: "Not found" error in script function GetFolderContent [+] Scripting: Added function DB(iIndex: integer): IDBConnection as a shortcut for IDBConnection(Database(iIndex)) [+] Scripting: Added method Instance.GetLicenseData [-] Cartwall: Editing NEXT sequence may lead to inconsistent results [+] New "Check for update" function in the About menu [*] Better exception handling during waveform generation for corrupted files Version 6.0.5 Build 3634 (2017-11-16) [-] DB: "Not found" error when looking up items by non-numeric External ID. WHEN USING DBSERVER/DBCLIENT, MAKE SURE YOU UPDATE BOTH SERVER AND CLIENT! [-] DB: Slow performance or freeze of background playlist cache thread when container items are involved [*] DBE Import: Correct handling of [] characters encoded as special chars 02/03 [-] DB: Possible SQL error when searching by Internal ID [-] Encoder connection dropped when copying/moving connections [-] Fixed possible application freeze [-] Scripting: Fixed incorrect parameter definition of MidiOutSysEx [+] New Dutch translation files, courtesy of Tom Callebaut ( [+] Added import of Natural Log Generic Text [NL-Windows] playlists [+] New option: Enable detection of growing files [+] New GUI option: Side-by-side alignment of playlists Version 6.0.4 Build 3621 (2017-10-13) [+] Scripting: Added ICartwallPageControl.SaveToFile [+] Mixdown: Samplerate setting moved to mAirList.ini (Section [Mixdown], Samplerate=xxxx); default is 44100 [+] Playlist import filter for Radiohost CSC files [*] TPI import: Disabled automatic hard fixed times at hour boundaries when importing entire TPI file [*] Updated bassmix.dll to [+] Remote control: Added support for D&R WEBSTATION [*] Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.2l [*] HTTPS connections now support SSLv3, TLS v1.0, TLS v1.1, TLS v1.2 [-] DB: Backslash not added automatically to backup and cache locations [-] Mix Editor: Audio does not update when adjusting multi-track container items [*] Standard attributes: Drop-down attributes allow empty values [-] Possible crash during peak generation, added error handler [*] Updated MIDI library to v7.0r4a, fixing possible exception triggered by incoming SysEx messages [-] Cartwall and some other windows do not remember/restore last position [+] DBServer: Restore last state after Windows shutdown [*] DB Storages: Cache location will only be used if the cache file has the exact same size and date/time as the original file in the default location (or the default location is not a local drive or network share but an HTTP or DBServer, in which case the file size/date cannot be determined) Version 6.0.3 Build 3612 (2017-09-22) [-] Nexus: "Other database" setting lost in config [+] Scripting: Added Factory.CreateNewsContainerPlaylistItem [-] News Container: Music Bed CueOut markers not removed [-] News Container: Fade Out markers of last item or outro ignored [-] Nexus: "Could not convert variant" error when using reconciliation [-] DB: Filenames not translated correctly for Embedded Playlists [*] DB: Enabled editing of container content through Properties dialog [-] Cartwall: Items added to incorrect player during drag&drop [+] Airlite: Added switch commands for Non Stop, Mic On, Silence Detection [-] DB (Internet Client): Possible HTTP 401 error when uploading files [+] Scripting: Added procedure TCPSendString(iServer: string; iPort: word; iString: AnsiString) (requires TCPRemote module) [-] Playlist comments, cartwall: & character not displayed correctly [+] Mixdown: Samplerate can be set in config (mixdown.ini, [Options], Samplerate=xxxx); default is 44100 [-] DB: MSSQL: Possible "Assertion failure" error [*] Mix Editor accepts non-playable items (will be filtered out) [-] DBServer: HTTP Error 500 when authentication fails (should rather be 403) [-] Cartwall: NEXT button always disabled in GUI [-] DB: CSV Export: New EffectiveDuration column in CSV output [-] Tempo/pitch adjustment ignored [-] DB: Search for duration not working [*] DBServer: Config changes saved immediately [*] DB: Faster library browsing due to optimized SQL queries [*] Encoder: Icecast connections use Latin-1 charset for metadata updates now, to match the expected client behavior of Icecast 2.3.2 and newer. You can excplicitly set the charset for any encoder connection in its properties now (Metadata tab). [-] DBClient/DBServer: Possible "Assertion failure" error on write operations. Please update client and server! [-] DB: MySQL backend: SQL error when loading "Unsorted" folder Version 6.0.2 Build 3587 (2017-07-13) [*] IMPORTANT NOTICE: We added some extra protection to our license files. PLEASE UPDATE/RE-DOWNLOAD YOUR LICENSE FILE when you install this version. [+] Airlite: Added USB channel setting, will switch cartwall mode (ON, OFF, PFL) [-] Cartwall: Item not copied during drag/drop [-] DB: MySQL backend: Possible SQL error related to "condition" column [-] DB: Attributes not retrieved correctly for non-file items [-] License Manager: License disappears after importing from .ini file [+] Executable is now using the IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE flag so that it can consume up to 4 GB RAM [*] DB: Improved performance and lower RAM usage when browsing or exporting large libraries [-] Stream playback always using infinite timeout when playing through DirectSound; also affects Stream Monitor which does not detect a stream going offline but waits for reconnect [-] DB: MySQL: Error during schema upgrade [-] DB: MySQL: Error when editing library items [+] Scripting: Added ICartwallControl.LoadPageListFromFile, SavePageListToFile [-] DB: Pointless confirmation dialog when saving voice tracks; VT recorder form is now non-modal so that cartwall can be used [+] Added Default Directories settings for Cartwall pages/presets, Aircheck Recorder, File Recoreder [-] TPI Import: No file import tasks performed for unknown files [-] DSP: Advanced compressor: Adjusted lower limit for attack/release to 0.01ms [+] Playlist: New "Create Individual Hooks" function in popup menu [-] Mix Editor: Incorrect drawing offset if first non-padded item has Cue In [-] Cartwall: When inserting multiple items, "top to bottom" numbering is not handled correctly [+] Encoder: New commands: ENCODER CONNECTION x ON, ENCODER CONNECTION x OFF, ENCODER CONNECTION x ON/OFF (must be typed manually, first connection has index 1) [+] DB: Possible deadlock when dealing with Hook Containers [*] DB: Improved performance with large number of folders Version 6.0.1 Build 3565 (2017-06-08) [-] DB: Sync: Existing folder recreated when using "preserve folder structure" [-] Mix Editor: Incorrect drawing offset of waveform if last item has padding [+] Network Sync: Added ON AIR status synchronization (over UDP) [+] Network Sync: Added command execution (over UDP) [+] Playout: ON AIR status displayed in status bar, double-click to toggle [-] Playout: Incorrect selection of music items for voice tracking [+] Playout: Re-added Events button known from v5 to playlist control bar [-] "Execute command" action: Dropdown missing in properties dialog [-] DBServer and REST: SQL error when deleting users from auth database [-] Possible Access Violation error in internal messaging system Version 6.0.0 Build 3560 (2017-05-25) [-] Config: "Module not found" when saving config in Management licenses [-] "Invalid item type" message when trying to use News Container items in Mix Editor, nested containers or mixdown [-] Fixed possible memory leak in player loading and HTTP call code [-] DB: Possible freeze when opening playlists that contain Hook Containers [-] DB: "Invalid data type" error when dragging library items into multi-track container [*] DB: CSV Export: IDs are not zero-padded anymore by default; use the new "CSV file (zero-padded IDs)" exporter if you need the IDs padded [-] DB: Scheduling: When importing music from a file, the first item is repeated over and over again [-] Emergency licenses not accepted due to invalid Hardware ID [+] New "File Recorder" feature (Professional only, please re-download license) [*] DB: Hour templates: "Prevent auto-float" is now turned on by default for all (new) "Start of hour" and "End of hour" items [*] DB: Setup: "Test login" button makes a separate check for a working SQL connection, and displays a useful message if the SQL connection is OK but the tables are not [*] DB: "Update advertising" now also works for region ad containers [*] Waveforms: Individual amplication of container items is respected [+] Hook Containers: Default fade in/out duration can be set in config [-] DB: Hour templates: "Not found" error when editing attribute filters [-] News Containers not updating item positions correctly when neste into other containers Version 6.0-beta2 Build 3547 (2017-04-19) [-] DB: Hour template editor: Extra item added at top when auto-float is on [*] DB: Library: Duration displayed is now the effective duration, not total [+] Scripting: Added ITCPClientRemote and ITCPServerRemote interfaces [*] skin.ini: All entries related to the playlist control bar must be moved to a new section [PlaylistToolbar] (or [PlaylistToolbar0] etc.) [-] DB: "Invalid storage" error when editing file import settings [-] Live Feeds: Configuration tab missing in item properties dialog [-] Item properties dialog takes a long time to open [*] DB: Scheduler speed improvements [-] DB: Scheduler: Incorrect penalty calculation, leading to slower generation [*] DB: Advertising: Region count must be configured also for internal scheduler [-] DB: Internet client: Error 404 during configuration [-] Mix Editor: Possible Access Violation error when no items are loaded [*] News Containers support an unlimited number of "content" items now (but only a single bumper which is placed between any two content items); YOU MUST RECREATE CONTENT AND BUMBER AFTER UPDATE! [+] New screen object: Time of next event [-] DB: Container content may not be restored correctly from Library [-] SAS remote control: Access violation during startup [-] News Containers: Not handling changes of content duration correctly [-] DB: Exporting audio files failing with "Invalid path" error [*] Playlist export (MLPE) can handle any container type now [-] Interrupting waveform image generation may corrupt image cache [-] Software will freeze when Winamp DSP plugins are added [-] Remote control: CARTWALL NEXT PAGE, CARTWALL PREVIOUS PAGE not working [-] Cartwall: PFL count callbacks triggered when in VT mode [-] Playlist item properties dialog: Access violation when browsing through items or reloading MMD/file tag [+] DBServer: Ability to enter a list of permitted station IDs for each user; access will be restricted to read-only for all other stations [-] Playlist: Playback of linked items will stop at non-playable items with "Item is not playable" message in player [-] Strem actions: "Invalid property" error when editing [-] DB: Possible SQL error when browsing folders [-] License: "Invalid time limit" error when running on emergency activation [-] Hook Containers: Closer not included in playback [-] DB: Icons not loaded when dragging items from Library to playlist [-] DB: Sort order not respected when dragging items from Library to playlist [-] Hook Containers: Not constructed correctly when Hook markers partially set [*] Waveform: Sub-item indicators displayed for any kind of container item now Version 6.0-beta1 Build 3520 (2017-03-17) [-] Item Properties dialog: Possible List Index Out of Bounds error [-] Database browser: "Not found" error when browsing artists in mAirListDB [-] Playlist: Control bar visible even if disabled in config [-] Database browser: Items not sorted in tree [-] Playlist: Control bar skin not processed correctly [-] Scripting: "IOWarriorRemote" was not working [-] DB: Possible "Out of memory" error when database contains many items with inline icon data [-] DB: Some artists possibly missing from database tree [-] DB: "Not found" error when editing music templates [-] R128: Possible "Integer overflow" error during scan [*] Stereo Tool: Added download button for generic DLL [-] DB: Sync dialog: Existing files may show as new and missing at the same time [-] License: SG Lock dongles give "Dongle verification error" [-] DB: Items not updated in list after Mass Edit [-] DB: "Invalid item" error on when converting files to dummies or exchanging audio files in the library [-] DB: Container sub-content displayed in library list [*] Playlist: Ability to link items with Padding to subsequent items in ASSIST mode [+] Hooks: Default position of hook can be adjusted on the new "Hooks" page in the config app (replaces "Repository" page) [+] Players: Waveforms now also available for container items [-] DB: "Not found" error when editing storage [-] DB: Foreign key and similar errors when upgrading to schema 24 [-] DB: Error message when exporting entire library; speed improvements [-] DB: Advertising: Access violation when editing existing campaign [-] DB: Not all artists are shown in the Library tree Version 6.0-alpha Build 3501 (2017-02-23) Important changes: [*] Dropped the "Desktop" feature. Default playlist content, cartwall presets and browser tabs can now be saved/restored separately. [*] There is only a single event list now, not a separate one for each playlist. When required, you can set the associated playlist for each event in the event properties. There is now yellow "next event" button in the playlist toolbar anymore. [*] Live Feed: Now using "Live Feed Input [1..8]" from Audio Devices config; no explicit selection of audio hardware anymore; facilitates the scheduling of Live Feed items from a different computer [*] Logging: On Air status is remembered when item is started, and stop logging only takes place if instance was on air at item start [*] Background Scripts: OnItemStart/OnItemStop have additional "OnAir" parameter [*] DB Server: New API, with OAuth2-style token authentication [*] REST remote control: Shares user database with DBServer, supports token authentication; anonymous access no longer possible [*] Players and cartwall: Dropped the "Hook Mode" features. Instead please use the new function to create hook items from the playlist [*] Playlist: Removed "Hide played items" option New features: [+] DB: Playlist versioning; playlist can detected changes made by other users [+] DB: Scheduler: Overwrite prompt for existing playlists [*] DB: Scheduler: Improved performance when creating many playlists in a row [+] DB: You can have several template assignments (for odd/even calendar weeks, first weekday in month etc.) now. And there is a "Special" assignment that can be used e.g. for holidays, and selected in the scheduling process. [+] DB: Ability to edit audio files in the Library (using external audio editor) [+] Browser: Ability to load/save presets of open browser pages [+] DHD: New DHD Console window, allowing remote control of your 52/xx mixer [+] Sound Processing: Support for Stereo Tool through "generic" DLL [+] Multi Track Containers [+] Voice Tracking: Ability to use cartwall during VT; mAirList will create Multi Track Container for voice track and all player cart items; requires VTCartwall module license [+] News Containers [+] Hook Containers have their own playlist item class now; you can add or remove songs even after the container has been created [+] Playlist: New "Hook to cartwall" function copies items as hook to the cartwall, for manual hook promo [+] Playlist: New "auto float" feature will automatically prevent underruns and overflow items by letting items float around fixed times [+] New "Fixed" timing, will prevent items from floating [+] New "Prevent auto float" option in playlist and template items, can be used to construct limits for auto-float operations [+] DB: Hour templates: New "auto float after scheduling" option [+] New "Cartwall Page" playlist item, contains link to *.mcp file, can be used in playlist and DB and dragged into Cartwall to open the page [+] Built-in R128 loudness scanner [+] Playlist: New "color ribbon" display option [+] Cartwall: New "flagged" property of cartwall items, for use in scripts [+] Aircheck Recorder: New "output folder" and "filename format" settings, will speed up manual selection of output file; you can also use AIRCHECK OPEN without a filename parameter now, and the filename will be set automatically. [+] Aircheck Recorder: New set of actions to be used in action lists (open, start/resume, pause, close) [+] FTDI dongle support: mAirList can now use any FT232R or FT485R based FTDI device as a security dongle, instead of software activation [+] DB Server: Ability to delete audio files remotely [+] Browser: New option "Use full height" Other changes: [*] DB: Updated schema to version 24 [*] DB: Music Templates and Advertising Settings use new file import settings dialog, now the same for all import tasks [*] Cartwall: New tab design [*] Mix Editor: Total (effective) playback duration displayed in toolbar [*] Simplified License Manager [*] Demo mode: Without any license file, mAirList will now run in "demo mode" with low audio quality and time restriction of some features [*] Scheduling of regional content is now enabled in all license types; playback of regional content must be explicitly enabled in the license [*] Playlist: Progress bar only shown during on air playback, not PFL [*] Playlist: Number of prebuffered items can be set in config